Community Corner

Evening of Prayer Returns to Ramona on Saturday

Wrestling coach Pete Zindler and friends will bring back an ecumenical experience to Ramona Oaks Park.

Ramona's second Evening of Prayer will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. at Ramona Oaks Park on Saturday. The first Evening of Prayer was held at the same location last year. About 300 people attended.

The goal is to pray for "our youth and our country" according to a flyer distributed by organizers Pete Zindler and Allan Rogers. Zindler is a former Ramona High School wrestling coach. Rogers attends

The event will include a worship band. Free hot dogs, hamburgers and water will be served. Participants are encouraged to bring a blanket or lawn chair to sit on.

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Similar events are being held around the country.

Supporters of the Ramona event are gathering on this Facebook page. A web site is also being established at

Find out what's happening in Ramonafor free with the latest updates from Patch.

Rogers told Patch that the web site currently directs people to the Facebook page but after Saturday it will become "a gathering place for all Ramona-related prayer activity."

He said there is a prayer group at that has three churches participating.

"Those and others we discover will go on," he said.

Ramona Oaks Park is at 25341 Pappas Road, in the San Diego Country Estates area.

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